GemFresh™ by Moxiyo Keeps Food Fresher, Longer
On the average, Americans throw away 20 pounds of food each month, which amounts to $2,275 a year for a family of four, according to the U.S. Dept of Agriculture.
Produce spoils and decays rapidly once it has been picked and harvested from the farm. It is then placed into a home refrigerator to be eaten or discarded within a few days. Farmers and produce growers understand the need for CO2 to keep produce fresh. CO2 provides sustainability, keeping produce and other perishable foods fresh.
GemFresh with CO2 is a retail package, which consumers can place in their household refrigerators to keep their food fresh for additional days & weeks. GemFresh lasts for 90 days in a household refrigerator.
GemFresh reduces spoilage of fruits & vegetables, deli meats, dairy & cheeses. It improves the air quality and reduces offensive odors in refrigerators.
GemFresh with its organic CO2 creates a protective barrier around perishable foods. As a result, food lasts longer in its freshest state. It slows the natural decaying process by blocking ethylene gas, which causes produce to over ripen.
"You will NEVER want to be without the GemFresh product ever again once you've experience how long it can help your fruits and veggies stay fresh! No kidding, What I would normally have to throw away after a week is now just like new weeks after I've purchased it. I am saving so much time in my schedule not having to constantly be running to the grocery store to keep up on our healthy eating, not to mention the money I save! This is one of those products you want to share from your rooftop with all your friends and neighbors lol. Seriously though, no harmful chemicals are used, and your foods stay fresh in your refrigerator longer than you can imagine!"
Laurie Hartley Moore, Utah